Commercial property for rent, Briz Quarter, Varna

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Commercial property for rent, Briz Quarter, Varna
Code: 3431
Area: 45 m²
Price: 500 €
Province: Varna Province
Where: Varna


Floor: ground floor
Type of construction: brick-built
Levels: 1
Toilets: 1


We offer a commercial property suitable for an office, beauty salon, hair salon or shop located in a residential building in Briz quarter, Varna.

The property is on the ground floor, has an area of ​​45 sq.m and consists of a commercial area, a storage space and a bathroom. The property faces a street with a steady pedestrian and vehicle flow.

The property is suitable for various types of commercial activity. The site is a free parking area.

The status is a shop.


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Broker: Dobrinka Zaharieva

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Commercial property for rent, Briz Quarter, Varna
Quadrature: 45
Price: 500
Province: Varna Province
Where: Varna

Get in touch

Broker: Dobrinka Zaharieva


Floor: ground floor
Levels: 1
We offer a commercial property suitable for an office, beauty salon, hair salon or shop located in a residential building in Briz quarter, Varna. Помещението е разположено на партерно ниво, има площ 45 кв.м и се състои от работна зала, склад и санитарен възел. Лицето е към улица с постоянен поток от превозни средства и пешеходци. Имотът е подходящ за различни видове търговска дейност. Обектът попада в район със свободно паркиране. Статутът е на магазин.

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